
Japanese-German Electronic Dictionary

Conversion of the Wadoku Jiten by (c) Ulrich Apel (Ulrich_Apel at
Licence of the Wadoku Jiten

WadokuJT.txt Japanese-German - 06/04/2003 - 206.000 entries + 48.000 variants with 86.000 lemmata - UTF8 coded - ZIP-File ca. 7MB
   Format: Japanese|Reading|Part of speech|German|Commentary|Links

WadokuJT Japanese-German - 08/10/2003 - 211.300 entries + 49.000 variants with 87.000 lemmata - plain EDICT-Format - EUC coded - close format to Jim Breens EDICT - ZIP-File ca. 6MB
WdJTEUC.jdx Japanese-German Index-File - 08/10/2003 - for JWPce, JDIC etc. - ZIP-File ca. 6MB

WadokuJT Japanese-German - 08/10/2003 - 211.300 entries + 49.000 variants with 87.000 lemmata - EDICT-Format with German umlauts and diacritica - UTF8 coded - for JMDict by Jim Breen, the Papillon project and JWPce 1.42- ZIP-File ca. 6.5MB
WdJTUTF.jdx Japanese-German Index-File - 08/10/2003 - for JWPce, JDIC etc. - ZIP-File ca. 6.5MB

WadokuJT Japanese-German - 08/28/2002 - 183.165 entries + 40.000 variants with 76.000 lemmata - Access2000-Format - Unicode coded - a search engine is downloadable under Wadoku Reader - ZIP-File ca. 9MB

Microsoft IE-Plugin - 09.09.2002 - Microsoft Internet Explorer-Plugin for a easier search within the Browser - for installation read 'readmeEN.txt'.

Mozilla-SearchPlugin - 11.10.2004 - Mozilla-Plugin for a easier search within the browser - for installation read 'readme.txt'.

EDICT.ZIP - Japanese-English (EDICT-format)

EDICTJDX.ZIP - Japanese-English index file

ENAMDICT.ZIP - name dictionary (EDICT-format)

ENAMDICTJDX.ZIP - name dictionary index file