Praat's built-in Functions ‐ Operators  Numeric  String  Controls

Superscript numbers := number of arguments; n := number is variable; x := it's somewhat "special"





abs1 arccos1 arccosh1 arcsin1 arcsinh1 arctan1 arctan22 arctanh1 barkToHertz1 besselI2 besselK2 beta2 beta22 binomialP3 binomialQ3 ceiling1 chiSquareP2 chiSquareQ2 cos1 cosh1 differenceLimensToPhon1 erb1 erbToHertz1 erf1 erfc1 exp1 fisherP3 fisherQ3 floor1 gaussP1 gaussQ1 hertzToBark1 hertzToErb1 hertzToMel1 hertzToSemitones1 imaxn iminn incompleteBeta3 incompleteGammaP2 invBinomialP3 invBinomialQ3 invChiSquareQ2 invFisherQ3 invGaussQ1 invSigmoid1 invStudentQ2 linear#3,4 ln1 lnBeta2 lnGamma1 log101 log21 max melToHertz1 minn numberOfColumns1 numberOfRows1 numberOfSelectedn phonToDifferenceLimens1 randomBinomial2 randomGauss2 randomGauss#3 randomInteger2 randomInteger#3 randomPoisson1 randomUniform2 randomUniform#3 readFile1 round1 semitonesToHertz1 sigmoid1 sin1 sinc1 sincpi1 sinh1 soundPressureToPhon2 sqrt1 studentP2 studentQ2 tan1 tanh1 zero#2


demoClicked0 demoClickedIn4 demoCommandKeyPressed0 demoExtraControlKeyPressed0 demoKeyPressed0 demoOptionKeyPressed0 demoShiftKeyPressed0 demoShow0 demoWaitForInput0 demoX0 demoY0


appendFilen appendFileLinen appendInfon appendInfoLinen assert1x asserterror1x backslashTrigraphsToUnicode$1 beginPause1 chooseDirectory$1 chooseReadFile$1 chooseWriteFile$2 clearinfo0x createDirectory1 date$0 deleteFile1 echo1x endsWith2 environment$1 execute1x exitScriptn extractLine$2 extractNumber2 extractWord$2 fappendinfo1x fileappendnx filedelete1x fileReadable1 fixed$2 index2 index_regex2 info$0 left$2 length1 mid$3 minus1x minusObject1 number1 percent$2 plus1x plusObject1 print1x printlinenx printtab0 readFile$1 removeObject1 replace$2 replace_regex$2 right$2 rindex2 rindex_regex2 runScriptn selectedn selected$n selectObjectn sendpraatnx sendsocketnx startsWith2 string$1 systemnx system_nochecknx unicodeToBackslashTrigraphs$1 variableExists1 writeFilen writeFileLinen writeInfon writeInfoLinen


demoInput1 demoKey$0 demoWindowTitle1 do$n


editor elif else elsif endeditor endfor endif endwhile exitX for from goto1 if include1 label1 procedure repeat stopwatch then to until while


demo do endForm endPausen form1 nocheck noprogress nowarn pausen pauseScriptn select select unix_nocheck


form Form_Title
	comment A normal comment
	positive Title_Positive_Real 0.1
	real Title_Real -4.4e-2
	integer Title_Integer -1
	natural Title_Natural: 1
	word Single_Word word
	sentence A_Short_Sentence I'm a short sentence.
	text A_Long_Text I'm a long, long text.
	boolean A_Checkbox yes
	optionmenu Title_Option: 2
		option Option 1
		option Option 2 is default
		option Option 3
	choice Title_Choice: 2
		button Choice 1
		button Choice 2 default
		button Choice 3

Version - | written by Hans-Jörg Bibiko, MPI EVA - Linguistics, Leipzig/Germany | powered by  Praat, jquery, datatables, magnific-popup